Friday, September 10, 2010

Biblical Hebrew

I've been studying Biblical Hebrew. There are many good sites online. I picked one with audio pronunciations. It's been great and a real blessing. I learned the alphabet and can read some words. It is wonderful when I am using Blue Letter Bible, I can pull up the Hebrew for each passage and actually read the letters. These days I use Blue Letter Bible as my main concordance. I can no longer see the tiny print in my old Young's version. Shalom!!

Praying the Scriptures with Andrew Murray

"I am convinced that one chief cause why some do not grow more in grace is that they do not take time to hold converse with the Lord in secret. Spiritual, divine truth does not thus become our possession at once. Although I understand what I read, although I consent heartily to it, although I receive it, it may speedily fade away and be forgotten, unless by private meditation I give it time to become fixed and rooted in me, to become united and identified with me. Christians, give yourselves, give your Lord time to transfer His heavenly thoughts to your inner, spiritual life. When you have read a portion, set yourselves in silence before God. Take time to remain before Him until He has made His word living and powerful in your souls. Then does it become the life and the power of your life." ...Andrew Murray, The Lord's Table.

Great quote, isn't it? Spend time in the Word. Develop a relationship with the Word. Don't intellectualize about it, but absorb it. Listen to audios of portions, listen with your heart. Hide it in you heart. Let the Word Speak. Let it act upon you. Let it be a sword piercing through to your inner man. Let it have the impact upon you, don't resist it. Wait on it, it may take days or weeks, but the Holy Spirit will surely bring it to your remembrance in His perfect timing.     Susan.

Friday, September 03, 2010


The storm is intensifying. The characteristic of the last days is the increase and intensification of the distress of nations. The increase of darkness, the wave of increasing deceptions, and the sense of the temple being measured, but the outer court is being left out (Rev. 11). Are we in the outer court, or are we in the place of being part of the testimony of Jesus Christ. He came to bring a sword, we are seeing the dividing of many things. Where will we be found? Are we following the Lamb whithersoever He goeth? Are we willing to "let the dead bury their dead"? Are we trimming our lamps, or will we be bound to the outer court which will not be measured into the testimony?
Brothers and sisters, stay in the Word, search the Scriptures daily, hold on to that which you have, stay close to Him, return to your first love. Try all the spirits, listen only to what you know the Lord is speaking to your heart. Be very vigilant that you will discern the signs of the times and aware of the coming storm.
While pondering these matters, I was uplifted in coming across this prayer from the early church....

We beseech thee, Master, to be our helper and protector.
Save the afflicted among us; have mercy on the lowly;
raise up the fallen; appear to the needy; heal the ungodly;
restore the wanderers of thy people;
feed the hungry; ransom our prisoners;
raise up the sick; comfort the faint-hearted.
(Clement of Rome, 1st Century)
Rev 12:11 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."